Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Safe Travels, Buddy

Our oldest wiener dog, Norman, lost his life on Monday morning. He had been sick for a while, congestive heart failure. We knew the time would come when we would need to make that tough decision to keep him alive or let him go.

We bought Norman in January 1997, about 6 months after we were married. He was our "first" child. We added him to our family as a companion for the dachshund Jennifer had growing up. Junior hated him at first sight, but eventually grew to love his "Nor-Nor". Norman was a miniature black and tan dachshund. He had two little tan marks over his eyes on a black background that looked like little devil horns. And they were fitting for him. Norman was into everything, causing mischief and mayhem all over the house.

Norman had 2 different back surgeries, which cut down on his activity in later life, but he still had a good life. He was up and active on Saturday, running outside and barking at the world.

On Sunday morning I woke up and Norman wouldn't move or get out of his overnight house. He spent all day just laying in his bed, not eating, drinking or sleeping.

He began whining in pain around 1:00 AM Monday morning, so Jennifer took him into the vet and helped him on his path.

There is a website,, that we found when Junior died 6 years ago. We like to believe that the rainbow bridge is real, and all Norman's pain is gone, and he is chasing a tennis ball with Junior.

Rest in Peace, Norman. You were a great companion for us, and will always carry a special place in our hearts. Enjoy the bridge, and tell Junior we said hello.

Norman Winchester Peterson August 1996-August 2008.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Where's my Week?

Wow. What a long, crazy week. I haven't had a chance to breathe this week, never mind post any new entries. I have 3 open positions in my accounting department at work, and trying to do the work and interview candidates takes a toll.

My company is in the midst of a merger, so tensions and anxiety are high. Nobody is sure if there will be jobs in my office after the merger, so getting my group to perform up to par is challenging. I try to keep in mind that for the most part, my staff are clerical employees worried about feeding families. I'm worried as well, but not so much that it affects job performance. The easiest to make the decision to not have a job after a merger is to perform poorly prior to it.

So I stay calm, and let my group know that the best thing they can do is their job. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. We just keep our heads down and move along.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Where Are My Rights

I'm watching the news yesterday, and there is a story about a pharmacy in Michigan that is no longer selling birth control pills or contraceptive items. Birth control apparently goes against the pharmacy owner's beliefs.

A customer of this business has filed a complaint against him, because he is no longer filling her prescription. Apparently there are a few states (including California, go figure) that require pharmacies to fill all prescriptions.

I don't agree with the pharmacist's beliefs regarding contraception. But that doesn't mean he shouldn't have the right to run his business his way. If he doesn't want to sell a product, there shouldn't be a law enacted that makes him.

We are already losing rights in this country. From the 2nd amendment to privacy, we need to hold on to what we have. The government interfering in the products a pharmacy chooses not to sell is ridiculous. There was a women's group complaining that with this pharmacy's decision to not sell contraception women would now pursue "unsafe" alternatives.

Give me a break. If women cannot get their birth control filled at this pharmacy, they can go across the street to the other. I guarantee not every pharmacist holds the same beliefs. Someone will sell contraception.

I'm just tired of people getting up in arms and/or filing complaints because they don't like somebody's decision. Get over it, take your business elsewhere. Life is too short to be miserable.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Practice Begins

It's finally here. The start of fall football practice. 2-a-days are a right of passage for any boy interested in the game. Grueling heat, starting at dawn when it's only 90 outside instead of 105, running bleachers and gassers. All of this torture is what we live for.

I am several years (20 or so) out of my prime, but I still remember the feeling of pure excitement and joy you get from the start of practice. The season is full of hope and possibilities. You never know how it will turn out, or whether you will accomplish your goals.

Football taught me lessons I still use today. The ability to work as a team, the idea that you don't succeed until everyone is across the goal line, and the desire to sacrifice and pay a high price for a reward. All these help me daily in my professional and family life.

To the uninitiated, football seems like a violent game for adolescents. But it truly is a training ground for future success.

My son (Jay) is now 3 1/2. I wonder if it's too early to make him start running gassers?

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Birthday Girl

Today is Jennifer's birthday. She doesn't look a day over 25, although she disagrees. The last year has not been a great one, with my new job, the move, buying a house with issues and the fact that she loves to do water aerobics, and the only available program in Mansfield at this time is for senior citizens at the YMCA.

We both agree this coming year will be better. The new Lifetime Fitness opens later this year, and we will be able to exercise and improve our health. The house is coming along and major repair items should be completed.

I am taking Jennifer to the Kimball Art Museum to see the impressionist exhibit, then out to dinner. The kids are spending the night with their Poppy. We may pick them up tomorrow, or we may not. Regardless, we are celebrating tonight, the successful passing of another year and the hopes and dreams for the coming one.

Happy Birthday Honey.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Back to the Grindstone

I've been on vacation this past week. I made the mistake of taking 5 days off, starting last Friday. This means I have to go back to work on a Friday. Because of my job, I feel I need to be in the office during month-end close of the financial books. That starts tomorrow, so I am headed back.

I didn't do a whole lot on vacation. We stayed at home, and just kicked around the house mostly. We did some shopping, went to visit Austin, did some more shopping, read a book, joined the local library and generally relaxed.

It may sound boring, but this is the first week long vacation I have taken in 3 years. I was excited to do nothing, and find that to be a reasonable payoff for the hours and stress of my job during the other 51 weeks of the year.

Now, I just need to figure out how to make doing nothing a paying job, so I can feel good about accomplishing something when I take a vacation.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Home at the Ranch

In an effort to increase our pretentiousness, Jennifer and I have decided to name our house and land.

Henceforth, the Peterson's live at the Rockin' P Ranch. Keep in mind we have a 2,500 square foot house on less than 1/3 of an acre. But, we have decided it is our ranch.

We're thinking about having the local blacksmith create our brand on a sign for the electric gate. The neighbors will be so envious.

They may own larger homes than us, but we have a ranch.